Monday 17 January 2011

A Bit More about our site & Cartagena

Situated between the the main road & the Mar Menor lagoon, Caravanning La Manga is a big site with around a 1,000 pitches all with shrub borders, electric hook ups, individual fresh water taps & waste facilities. many have statics on which have been modified & added to over the years in typical Spanish fashion!

The Mar Menor (little sea or small sea) is a salty lagoon in the south-east of Murcia separated from the Mediterranean by the La Manga (Sleeve) strip, a sandbar 22km in length and with a variable width from 100 to 1200m. Very developed with high rise buildings & some say it looks like Manhattan from this side of the Mar Menor.

Cartagena is a very historical town & always worth a visit. This maritime enclave was already known to the Carthaginians and Romans, and its name today comes from the Latin name, Cartago Nova. Cartagena was under Arab domination until Ferdinand III the Saint reconquered it and incorporated it into the kingdom of Castile. Its port played a key role in the War of Succession and the Peninsular Wars.

The rich Carthaginian heritage extends as far as the shores of its marina. The Sea Wall, built by Charles III in the 18th century, delimits the old quarter. Overlooking the Mediterranean there are two elements which are clearly connected with the sea: the prototype of the submarine by the inventor Isaac Peral, a native of Cartagena, and the National Museum of Maritime Archaeology. This museum on the Navidad dock is also home to the National Centre of Underwater Archaeological Research. The findings on display reveal aspects of naval construction, trade and navigation from ancient times.

The entrance to the city centre is dominated by the Town Hall, a gem of modernist architecture dating from the early 20th century. The Old Cathedral is located on the Camino del Parque Torres (behind the Muralla del Mar wall). This is the oldest place of worship in CartagenaCartagena (13th century), and it stands on the remains of a Roman Theatre discovered in 1987. This construction dates from the first century A.D., and together with the theatre in Mérida, is one of the most important in Spain. The items found on this site can be seen in the Museum of the Roman Theatre.

Other examples of Roman splendour to be seen in the city are the remains of the amphitheatre (in the bull ring), the archaeological site of El Molinete, the Morería Baja colonnade and the Byzantine Wall, which despite its name is also Roman. Particularly worth mentioning are the Augusteum and the Decumanus. The first contains the remains of the old forum, whose importance as a public building can be seen from the luxurious marble floors on display at the site. The second contains the foundations of a porticoed area with a Roman road which links the port with the forum, and with an area of thermal baths. The Casa Fortuna, built in the first century B.C. and belonging to a wealthy family, shows what daily life was like at the time of the Roman Empire.

The Torres park is the site of the Concepción castle. Raised on a hill, it served as a fortress for Carthaginians, Romans, Visigoths, Arabs and Castilians. Indeed the city has always had numerous defensive military buildings. A good example is the Navidad Fortress, built in the mid-19th century and today the Visitor Centre for the Defensive Architecture of Cartagena and the Mediterranean. Also worth visiting is the Refuge – Civil War museum, a series of galleries which were used as protection from aerial attack throughout the conflict.

The best way to discover the Modernist architecture of Cartagena is to take a walk along the Calle Mayor, which leads off the Plaza del Ayuntamiento square, and the surrounding area. Here visitors will find the houses of Cervantes and Llagostera, by the Cartagena architect Victor Beltrí, with their characteristic glassed-in balconies, worked in iron with bronze reliefs of allegorical figures. Other representative buildings of this artistic movement include the Casino, the Gran Hotel, the railway station, and the houses of Maestre and Dorda, all elegant monuments to the bourgeoisie which remain as evidence of the area’s economic development, based on mining and industry, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Aristocratic buildings included the palaces of Aguirre and Pedreño, the first in the Modernist style and the second in the neoclassical style.

The Punic Wall stands on Monte Aletes, one of the five hills surrounding Cartagena. This is the location of the Visitor Centre for this site, dating from the third century B.C.

Adjoining the historic walled centre is the Military Arsenal, whose construction was concluded during the reign of Charles III. The walls here have the only entrance gateway which still stands in the city. Also related with the history of Cartagena is the Naval Museum, on the outskirts of the modern city, containing an exhibition of old ship’s navigation instruments, maps and navigation charts, as well as models of ships of all kinds. The fishing quarter of Santa Lucía is also well worth visiting.

Cartagena also has a variety of key cultural events each year such as the world music festival known as the “La Mar de Músicas” (Sea of Music).
Monday 17th...

George woke us up this morning at 06:00 as he wasn’t feeling well & wanted to ‘go outside’.

As the morning was very misty & damp I decided that tea & toast was relevant on our return. Janet was still in bed of course!

We needed to get some photos taken for our replacement passports, so we decided to go into Cartagena as we knew that there was a photo booth outside the Guardia Civil building. (We had used this before when we needed photos for our Spanish residency application in 2005). Unfortunately as we now have a roof box on our car parking was a bit of a problem as most car parks are underground & I didn’t want to lose the top box!! Luckily I found a spot close to the photo booth.
By this time the mist had been burnt off & the day was very nice.

We got our photos done & then made our way down the main street of Cartagena,(Calle Mayor), to the port for lunch. Menu del Dia @ 11 Euro each was good for a starter, main course, pudding, & two drinks!

We ate opposite the old town hall which was being restored when we were here in 2005 do it was really nice to see the finished job. Cartagena is in many ways a miniature version of Murcia City which is also a place which should be visited.

When we got back we had drinks with some friends we have made & then a light dinner.

A hard life but someone has to do it!

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