Tuesday 18 January 2011

Tuesday 18th

Janet's lunch yesterday

Mar de Cristal
On our way to Cartagena yesterday I decided on the great idea of 'popping in' to a local caravan dealer to get some bits & bobs we needed. Generally Tamara Tom Tom is very good at this, but on this occassion the farmers at the end of the dirt track we went down were very amused at our antics in trying a three point turn in their field. To be fair to Tamara I had not updated our European maps before leaving. But with the latitude & longtitude details added we got there in the end. Janet also managed to pick a lemon for her G&T later! However the Sorento now needs a good clean.
I had also posted a wanted add for a Spanish gas cylinder in the Camping & Caravan Club rally tent earlier in the week & a chap came to a caravan later in the afternoon as he had one for sale. So, 20 Euros later I now had a (empty) light weight cylinder & a new regulator - what a happy chap I am now as you have to sign a contract for them (not locally) & buy the first cylinder as well as the gas.

Had a drink in our awning with the couple we met earlier in the week & then a light supper.

This morning I went over to the Upper Mercardo on the site exchanged the gas cylinder & replaced one of our UK cylinders with it. Then I went down to a local garage & jet washed the car. Janet took some washing down to the machine & then walked George.
It has been very overcast today with the weather forecast predicting more of the same over the next few days.

Also emailed the DVLA to organise a relacement driving licence for Janet.
Janet now back from a line dancing lesson so now for a cup of tea & a walk down to the beach with George...

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