Tuesday 1 February 2011

La Alhambra

Built on a Hill high above Granada, the Alhambra is a series of buildings & palaces built over different periods.


1237 - 1273
Muhammad I  al-Ahmar started installing his court.

1333 - 1354
Yusuf I Constructed the Comares Palace.

1354 - 1359
Muhammed V Constructed the Palace of the Lions. The lions in question formed the base of a very ornate courtyard fountain. They have now been retored and have been moved inside a museum section. But you cannot take photos!

1487 - 1492
Muhammed XIII Boadil was the last Nasrid Sultan & surrendered the Alhambra to the Catholic Monarchs.

1492 - 1516 Isabella of Castille & Ferdinand of Aragon conducted extensive repairs & alterations.

1500 - 1558
Charles V decide to build his Palace after his wedding to Isabella of Portugal.

There are other buildings & gardens to explore & entrance to the main attraction, being the Nasrid Palaces, is timed. At 13 Euros each it is really good value, but if you go at this time of the year you need to wrap up as although sunny it was cold and we arrived early. 

The views over Granada are breathtaking & the camera cannot catch this. 

We booked our tickets on-line  a few days before & collected them when we arrived as the Alhambra is 60 miles from our site & tickets are limited each day

We finished off our day with a very nice Menu del Dia at the hotel across the road. A local troupe serenaded us (well the whole restaurant really!).

Had to buy their CD @ 10 Euros & Played it in the car on tha way back - probably the only time we will. I said someone may get it as a Christmas present!!

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