Wednesday 9 March 2011

On to El Rocio.

We moved off our pitch on Monday morning, with the aid of some planks of wood & six of our neighbours pulling & pushing, our 'mover' would not have coped on its own! We then moved onto a flat pitch close to the entrance so we could set off to El Rocio (Costa De La Luz) reasonably early (& with ease) on Tuesday morning. We had a last drink in the small port across the road from the site with Jackie who we worked with when we helped out Ibersol with their UK Spanish homes exhibitions before we moved out to Spain in 2005. Jackie also sold us our home there!

Weather over the last few days has been cloudy & we had a mega thunderstorm on Friday & Saturday before we left. George had to sleep on the bed with us as it sounded like the blitz (not that we are old enough for that) & he needed some TLC. The good thing is that it dries up quickly.

Left Camping Cabopino on Tuesday 8th March & drove up to El Rocio (four hours) in heavy rain arriving at the site around 16:00. The traffic around Seville was horrendous & delayed us quite a bit.

First impressions were not good as all the roads & pitches are covered in sand & as it had been raining heavily stuck to everything. We were allocated a pitch that seemed OK & put up the awning. It then starting raining & within an hour we had pools of water in the awning so could put anything in it. This morning we moved to another pitch which is mainly grass & hope it will be OK if it rains hard again.

The site access roads & bends are tight & when moving I caught the lower side of the van & will have to change one of the plastic wheel arches on our return! Such is life.

Having now explored the site some more, it is in fact very nice & for those that it will mean anything to, is the closest we have been on to a UK Caravan Club site.

Now time for dinner & more vino tinto. More pictures etc. to follow later…

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