Wednesday 30 March 2011

Albufeira, The Algarve, Portugal

Albufeira & one of our shorter blogs. Forty-five minutes away from our site & when we arrived I did my usual trick of driving into the town & down narrow streets before realising it. However it does help to convince you are in the right place!!

For us, disappointing & well past its best which was probably in the sixties or early seventies. The town hall planning department has not helped either. Overall the feeling of a place for a cheap package holiday & all that entails!! Although I hope my pictures caught some of its nicer points.

I didn't take any of the main beach as, to be fair, they were working on part of it.

However there are a few areas which still retain some character & we had an enjoyable lunch in one of them. The owner had a good sense of humour, which made lunch even better, or maybe it was the free glass of port at the end of the meal!!

P.S. George is resting under the table having had his lunch & some of Janet's Sea Bass.

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