Friday 1 April 2011

Porches & Carvoeiro, The Algarve, Portugal.

Today we decided that after saying goodbye to our new friends Roy & Margaret before they left to travel home with their two Shelties Ollie & Roxie, (sorry if we have misspelt), we would have lunch & then explore more.

When you travel to an area of interest, in this case the Algarve, it is always important to gather information on where to visit, assuming you do not have friends who can advise you from their experiences!

In line with this our navigator & unofficial tour guide, (Janet), duly got hold of a very impressive A4 glossy called ‘Algarve Welcome Magazine’ – OK it was a 2009 print but nothing should change that much.

Bearing in mind that I am just the driver etc. Janet decided that from said magazine today we would visit Porches (many potteries) & (if time) Carvoeiro!

I have often wondered why a career in marketing eluded me & now I know. The full page & very illuminating description of Porches was very good, but I should have known better when the punch line said “Although pronounced like the car there’s nothing sleek or speedy about Porches” - so the less said the better!

However we did pop into one of the potteries for a quick coffee before moving onto Carvoeiro.

Get out, or I will set the dog on you!!!

Like many similar villages along the Algarve, Carvoeiro nestles in a dip between two hills. The main area of bars & restaurants being close to the small beach. Quite pleasant for a short visit.

Also at this point I would like to add that I have decided that the most important thing when buying a replacement car in which you plan to tour abroad with, is the option of – ELECTRIC FOLDING WING MIRRORS!!

We, (OK I), seem to have an amazing knack of finding ourselves in the very narrow ‘Old Town’ areas of the places we visit. Whilst getting to know the locals, (& donkeys - only joking), should be encouraged, smiling at them through their front room windows whilst they grin back at us does get a bit boring the more you do it!

Luckily the paint is still intact at the end of our mirrors.

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