Wednesday 13 April 2011

Homeward Leg 2

After our first overnight stop & a four hour drive north we arrived at Merida. The site was quite pleasant, very rural & with a very good/clean shower block. It hit 28C that day and at 18:00 we were still sitting in the shade of the van trying to keep cool! Had to go back to my very basic Spanish to book in!

The next day and another four hour drive we arrived at Camping Astral in Tordisillas. Another very nice site and we wished we had stayed another day and walked into Tordisillas to explore more.

We then moved on to our last site, Camping Santillana, (20 minutes from Santander), where we are as I write this. Not overly impressed with the site as the access roads are very narrow & more geared towards smaller caravans & motorhomes – actually a tent would be a better idea! It also rained for the first two days and was quite cold, but I supposed we should start getting used to UK type weather again!

Santillana is a very nice old medieval town and reputed to be the best in Spain, with many Paradors. It is also next to the site, which was the main the reason we booked here. It is well worth a visit, but as you would expect very ‘touristy’ – and probably, (after Alhambra), close to being the equivalent of Stratford-upon-Avon!

Once again my basic Spanish was called upon to book George in to the local vet for his pet’s passport treatment, (tick & tapeworm). To comply with the pets passport scheme this has to be not less than 24 & not more than 48 hours before the ferry departure to allow him back into the UK.

We catch the ferry on Thursday @ 15:30 & hope to arrive home around 18:30 on Friday, ending a very enjoyable winter tour.

The next Blog will be the end of our tour!!

An overcast afternoon in San Vicente, just west of Santillana...

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