Wednesday 6 April 2011

The Start of our Homeward Leg!

Homeward Leg

Tomorrow we start the homeward leg of our trip. We are leaving Turis Campo in the morning and have three overnight stops through south & central Spain before reaching Santander on Sunday. We then stay there for four nights before catching the ferry to Portsmouth on Thursday 14th. If all goes well we should be home on Friday 15th at around 18:00.

To comply with UK pets passport scheme we will have to take George to a local vet for the relevant treatment to ensure he is allowed back into the UK, being not less than 24 hours & not more than 48 hours before our ferry departure. Hence our nights at Santander.

Portugal is on UK time so we have to put our clocks forward tomorrow & then back again when we get back to the UK.

We have had a relaxing week with some visits to new places & return trips into Lagos & Praia da Luz.


Lagos - another visit..
(& yet another lunch!!)

This will be our last blog until we reach Santander. Overall this has been a very enjoyable experience, but it will be nice to get back to the UK & see family & friends. Hopefully the weather will be good to.

Our experience in Portugal has been very enjoyable, we have found all areas we have visited to be very clean & the locals very pleasant. For a country who's only neighbour is Spain & the written language seems very similiar to Spanish, it is suprising that when spoken it sounds Eastern European/Russian!!

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